Ambasada SUA anunta ca accepta propuneri de proiecte pentru
Fondul Ambasadorial pentru Conservarea Obiectivelor Culturale (AFCP) Editia 2017
"Termenul limita de trimitere a proiectelor este
15 ianuarie 2017 inclusiv.
Proiectele se vor trimite exclusiv pe e-mail, in engleza, pe adresa de e-mail
SUA incurajeaza toate organizatiile culturale, de stat sau
nonguvernamentale, sa participe la Fondul Ambasadorial pentru
Conservarea Obiectivelor Culturale Editia 2017 al Departamentului de
Stat al SUA.
In premiera, pentru 2017, vor fi disponibile
doua tipuri de finantare:
Proiecte in valoare de 10.000 USD pana la 200.000 USD, cu termen limita de depunere 15 ianuarie 2017, ora 23.59.
de mare anvergura, implicand costuri de la 200.000 USD la 979.000 USD
cu termen limita de depunere 15 ianuarie 2017, ora 23.59, pentru
etapa 1 de selectie. Coordonatorii proiectelor care se vor califica
pentru etapa 2 vor fi anuntati pe e-mail.
Daca intentionati sa participati, pentru detalii privind conditiile de participare si seria de formulare necesare, va rugam
sa va adresati in scris la adresa de e-mail
Daca nu primiti un e-mail de confirmare in decurs de 24 de ore, va rugam sunati la 021- 200.3684 pentru a solicita trimiterea
formularelor prin e-mail.
interesati trebuie sa tina cont ca este obligatoriu ca documentele
(inclusiv explicatiile fotografiilor de proiect, CV-urile
echipelor de proiect, si orice alte inscrisuri sa fie trimise in limba
engleza sau, unde este necesar, si cu anexarea unei traduceri
autorizate/legalizate. Nivelul limbii engleze trebuie sa fie unul extrem
de profesionist si specializat pe tematica proiectului
(arheologic, tehnic etc)
Ambasadorial pentru Conservarea Obiectivelor Culturale sprijina
conservarea, an de an, a obiectivelor de genul: cladiri
istorice si situri arheologice, obiecte si colectii culturale/de
patrimoniu, obiecte arheologice si etnografice, picture, sculpturi,
manuscrise, muzica traditionala, mestesuguri etc.
NU se accepta proiecte din partea persoanelor particulare.
mare atentie in primul rand inregistrarii DUNS si SAM, care este o
prima etapa in procesul de participare la selectie
si fara de care nu se poate accepta nici un proiect. Toate detaliile
despre aceasta inregistrare sunt cuprinse in documentul anexat acestui
e-mail. In plus, este absolut necesar sa aveti acordul Ministerului
Culturii/Directiei Judetene de Cultura si Patrimoniu
intr-un document separat, scris direct in engleza, sau cu traducerea
autorizata a acestuia. Formularul de buget trebuie scris cu maxima
claritate, respectand toate campurile cuprinse in documentul xls
Avem rugamintea sa cititi cu atentie documentele anexate si sa respectati cu strictete cerintele, conditiile
si regulile acestora".
Documente ataşate:
1. "The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) 2017
Small Grants
SUMMARY: The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) 2017 Competition is opened. The deadline for submitting proposals to the Embassy is January 15, 2017, 23:59 hrs. Full implementation of the AFCP 2017 program is pending the availability of FY 2017 funds and an approved spend plan.
COMPETITION FORMAT: Embassies will submit proposals, which are developed in conjunction with an eligible applicant.
FUNDING AREAS: Through the AFCP Program, the Department of State supports projects to preserve cultural heritage in the following three areas:
A. CULTURAL SITES—such as, but not limited to, historic buildings and archaeological sites;
B. CULTURAL OBJECTS AND COLLECTIONS from a museum, site, or similar institution—that include, but are not limited to, archaeological and ethnographic objects, paintings, sculpture, manuscripts, and general museum conservation needs; and,
C. FORMS OF TRADITIONAL CULTURAL EXPRESSION—such as traditional music, indigenous languages, and crafts.
FUNDING PRIORITIES—GENERAL: AFCP will recommend for funding those proposals that include project activities in adherence to the following guidelines and to international standards for the preservation of cultural heritage. These activities may include:
A. CULTURAL SITES: conservation of an ancient or historic building, preservation of an archaeological site, or documentation of cultural sites in a region for preservation purposes.
B. CULTURAL OBJECTS AND COLLECTIONS: conservation treatment for an object or collection of objects; needs assessment of a collection with respect to its condition and strategies for improving its state of conservation; inventory of a collection for conservation and protection purposes; the creation of safe environments for storage or display of collections; or specialized training in the care and preservation of collections.
C. FORMS OF TRADITIONAL CULTURAL EXPRESSION: documentation and audiovisual recording of traditional music and dance forms for broad dissemination as the means of teaching and further preserving them, or support for training in the preservation of traditional applied arts or crafts in danger of extinction.
SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING SITES AND OBJECTS THAT HAVE A RELIGIOUS CONNECTION: The establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution permits the government to include religious objects and sites within an aid program under certain conditions. For example, an item with a religious connection (including a place of worship) may be the subject of a cultural preservation grant if the item derives its primary significance and is nominated solely on the basis of architectural, artistic, historical, or other cultural (not religious) criteria.
ELIGIBLE PROJECT APPLICANTS: Eligible project applicants must be reputable and accountable non-commercial entities, such as non-governmental organizations, museums, ministries of culture, or similar institutions and organizations that are able to demonstrate that they have the requisite experience and capacity to manage projects to preserve cultural heritage. Embassies must vet applicants for eligibility, suitability, and reputable performance in cultural preservation or similar activities.
INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES AND UNALLOWABLE COSTS: AFCP will NOT support the following activities or costs, and applications involving any of the activities or costs below will be deemed ineligible:
A. Preservation or purchase of privately or commercially owned cultural objects, collections, or real property, including those whose transfer from private or commercial to public ownership is envisioned, planned, or in process but not complete at the time of application;
B. Preservation of natural heritage (physical, biological, and geological formations, paleontological collections, habitats of threatened species of animals and plants, fossils, etc.);
C. Preservation of hominid or human remains;
D. Preservation of news media (newspapers, newsreels, radio and TV programs, etc.);
E. Preservation of published materials available elsewhere (books, periodicals, etc.);
F. Development of curricula or educational materials for classroom use;
G. Archaeological excavations or exploratory surveys for research purposes;
H. Historical research, except in cases where the research is justifiable and integral to the success of the proposed project;
I. Acquisition or creation of new exhibits, objects, or collections for new or existing museums;
J. Construction of new buildings, building additions, or permanent coverings (over archaeological sites, for example);
K. Commissions of new works of art or architecture for commemorative or economic development purposes;
L. Creation of new or the modern adaptation of existing traditional dances, songs, chants, musical compositions, plays, or other performances;
M. Creation of replicas or conjectural reconstructions of cultural objects or sites that no longer exist;
N. Relocation of cultural sites from one physical location to another;
O. Removal of cultural objects or elements of cultural sites from the country for any reason;
P. Digitization of cultural objects or collections, unless part of a larger, clearly defined conservation or documentation effort;
Q. Conservation plans or other studies, unless they are one component of a larger project to implement the results of those studies;
R. Cash reserves, endowments, or revolving funds (funds must be expended within the award period [up to five years] and may not be used to create an endowment or revolving fund);
S. Costs of fund-raising campaigns;
T. Contingency, unforeseen, or miscellaneous costs or fees;
U. Costs of work performed prior to announcement of the award unless allowable per 2 CFR 200.458 and approved by the grants officer;
V. International travel, except in cases where travel is justifiable and integral to the success of the proposed project;
W. Travel or study outside the host country for professional development;
X. Individual projects costing less than $10,000;
Y. Independent U.S. projects overseas.
INELIGIBLE PROJECT APPLICANTS: AFCP does not award grants to individuals, commercial entities, or to embassies or past award recipients which have not fulfilled the objectives or reporting requirements of previous AFCP awards.
AWARD INFORMATION: Funding Instrument Type: Grant (Program Authority: Fulbright Hays Section 102(b)(5), as amended). Floor on Amount of Individual Awards: US $10,000 per project. Ceiling on Amount of Individual Awards: $200,000 per project. In FY 2016, awards ranged from US $21,400 to US $140,000.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Once potential implementers and projects have been selected by embassies, preferably through an open competition process, embassies will work with the applicants to obtain the items below. All documents must be submitted in English. Project proposals must include or address the following (NOTE: The list includes items required by 2 CFR 200 and State Department federal assistance regulations):
A. Full and complete Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424), including Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A), Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B), and, if applicable, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL);
B. Project Basics, including title, project dates, and AFCP focus area;
C. Project Applicant information, including contact information, DUNS Number, and SAM registration status (see Section 19 below);
D. Project Location;
E. Proof of Official Permission to undertake the project;
F. Project Purpose that summarizes the project objectives and desired results;
G. Project Activities Description that presents the project tasks in chronological order;
H. Project Time Frame or Schedule that lists the major project phases and milestones with target dates for achieving them (NOTE: Applicants may propose project periods of up to 60 months [five years]; projects must begin before September 30, 2017, and conclude no later than September 30, 2022);
I. Project Participant Information, specifically an estimated number of non-US and US participants and estimated number of primary and secondary participants, as well as resumes of the proposed project director and other primary project participants;
J. Statement of Importance highlighting the historic, architectural, artistic, or cultural (non-religious) values of the cultural site, collection, or form of traditional expression;
K. Statement of Urgency indicating the severity of the situation and explaining why the project must take place now;
L. Statement of Sustainability outlining the steps or measures that will be taken to maintain the site, object, or collection in good condition after the AFCP-supported project is complete; or, in the case of forms of traditional cultural expression, to preserve and disseminate the documentation, knowledge, or skills gained from the project;
M. Detailed Project Budget, demarcated in one-year budget periods (2017, 2018, 2019, etc.), that lists all costs in separate categories (Personnel, Fringe Benefits, Travel [including Per Diem], Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, Cost Sharing); indicates funds from other sources; and gives a justification for any anticipated international travel costs (templates available upon request from the Center);
N. Budget Narrative explaining line by line how costs are estimated (quantity x unit cost, annual salary x percentage of time spent on project, etc.) and unique budget line items;
O. Attachments and Supporting Documents including, at a minimum and REQUIRED, five (5) high quality digital images (only JPEGs, no more than 2 MB each) or audiovisual files that convey the nature and condition of the site, object, or form of expression and, in the case of a site or object, show the urgency or need for the proposed project (collapsing wall, water damage, worn fabric, broken handle, etc.), any historic structure reports, conservation needs assessments, and other planning documents compiled in preparation for the proposed project;
No/no documents with “.rar”, “.zip” or other similar extensions will be accepted.
All narrative reports and documents will be send only in Word (“.doc” or “.docx” format.
COST SHARING AND OTHER FORMS OF COST PARTICIPATION: There is no minimum or maximum percentage of cost participation required for this competition. When cost sharing is offered, it is understood and agreed that the applicant must provide the amount of cost sharing as stipulated in its proposal and later included in an approved agreement. The applicant will be responsible for tracking and reporting on any cost share or outside funding, which is subject to audit per 2 CFR 200. Cost sharing may be in the form of allowable direct or indirect costs.
DUNS NUMBER AND SAM REGISTRATION: Applicants requesting $25,000 or more in federal assistance must have a Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, a NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) code, and be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to submitting applications.
NOTE: This process can take weeks/months, especially for non-U.S. applicants. Applicants may acquire DUNs numbers at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNs number request line at 1-866-705-5711 or by requesting a number online at Non-U.S. based applicants may request a NCAGE code at SAM is the official, free on-line registration database for the U.S. Government. replaced the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA), and the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) in July 2012. collects, validates, stores, and disseminates data in support of federal agency acquisition and grant award mission. Registration in SAM is free:"
SUMMARY: The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) 2017 Competition is opened. The deadline for submitting proposals to the Embassy is January 15, 2017, 23:59 hrs. Full implementation of the AFCP 2017 program is pending the availability of FY 2017 funds and an approved spend plan.
COMPETITION FORMAT: Embassies will submit proposals, which are developed in conjunction with an eligible applicant.
FUNDING AREAS: Through the AFCP Program, the Department of State supports projects to preserve cultural heritage in the following three areas:
A. CULTURAL SITES—such as, but not limited to, historic buildings and archaeological sites;
B. CULTURAL OBJECTS AND COLLECTIONS from a museum, site, or similar institution—that include, but are not limited to, archaeological and ethnographic objects, paintings, sculpture, manuscripts, and general museum conservation needs; and,
C. FORMS OF TRADITIONAL CULTURAL EXPRESSION—such as traditional music, indigenous languages, and crafts.
FUNDING PRIORITIES—GENERAL: AFCP will recommend for funding those proposals that include project activities in adherence to the following guidelines and to international standards for the preservation of cultural heritage. These activities may include:
A. CULTURAL SITES: conservation of an ancient or historic building, preservation of an archaeological site, or documentation of cultural sites in a region for preservation purposes.
B. CULTURAL OBJECTS AND COLLECTIONS: conservation treatment for an object or collection of objects; needs assessment of a collection with respect to its condition and strategies for improving its state of conservation; inventory of a collection for conservation and protection purposes; the creation of safe environments for storage or display of collections; or specialized training in the care and preservation of collections.
C. FORMS OF TRADITIONAL CULTURAL EXPRESSION: documentation and audiovisual recording of traditional music and dance forms for broad dissemination as the means of teaching and further preserving them, or support for training in the preservation of traditional applied arts or crafts in danger of extinction.
SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING SITES AND OBJECTS THAT HAVE A RELIGIOUS CONNECTION: The establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution permits the government to include religious objects and sites within an aid program under certain conditions. For example, an item with a religious connection (including a place of worship) may be the subject of a cultural preservation grant if the item derives its primary significance and is nominated solely on the basis of architectural, artistic, historical, or other cultural (not religious) criteria.
ELIGIBLE PROJECT APPLICANTS: Eligible project applicants must be reputable and accountable non-commercial entities, such as non-governmental organizations, museums, ministries of culture, or similar institutions and organizations that are able to demonstrate that they have the requisite experience and capacity to manage projects to preserve cultural heritage. Embassies must vet applicants for eligibility, suitability, and reputable performance in cultural preservation or similar activities.
INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES AND UNALLOWABLE COSTS: AFCP will NOT support the following activities or costs, and applications involving any of the activities or costs below will be deemed ineligible:
A. Preservation or purchase of privately or commercially owned cultural objects, collections, or real property, including those whose transfer from private or commercial to public ownership is envisioned, planned, or in process but not complete at the time of application;
B. Preservation of natural heritage (physical, biological, and geological formations, paleontological collections, habitats of threatened species of animals and plants, fossils, etc.);
C. Preservation of hominid or human remains;
D. Preservation of news media (newspapers, newsreels, radio and TV programs, etc.);
E. Preservation of published materials available elsewhere (books, periodicals, etc.);
F. Development of curricula or educational materials for classroom use;
G. Archaeological excavations or exploratory surveys for research purposes;
H. Historical research, except in cases where the research is justifiable and integral to the success of the proposed project;
I. Acquisition or creation of new exhibits, objects, or collections for new or existing museums;
J. Construction of new buildings, building additions, or permanent coverings (over archaeological sites, for example);
K. Commissions of new works of art or architecture for commemorative or economic development purposes;
L. Creation of new or the modern adaptation of existing traditional dances, songs, chants, musical compositions, plays, or other performances;
M. Creation of replicas or conjectural reconstructions of cultural objects or sites that no longer exist;
N. Relocation of cultural sites from one physical location to another;
O. Removal of cultural objects or elements of cultural sites from the country for any reason;
P. Digitization of cultural objects or collections, unless part of a larger, clearly defined conservation or documentation effort;
Q. Conservation plans or other studies, unless they are one component of a larger project to implement the results of those studies;
R. Cash reserves, endowments, or revolving funds (funds must be expended within the award period [up to five years] and may not be used to create an endowment or revolving fund);
S. Costs of fund-raising campaigns;
T. Contingency, unforeseen, or miscellaneous costs or fees;
U. Costs of work performed prior to announcement of the award unless allowable per 2 CFR 200.458 and approved by the grants officer;
V. International travel, except in cases where travel is justifiable and integral to the success of the proposed project;
W. Travel or study outside the host country for professional development;
X. Individual projects costing less than $10,000;
Y. Independent U.S. projects overseas.
INELIGIBLE PROJECT APPLICANTS: AFCP does not award grants to individuals, commercial entities, or to embassies or past award recipients which have not fulfilled the objectives or reporting requirements of previous AFCP awards.
AWARD INFORMATION: Funding Instrument Type: Grant (Program Authority: Fulbright Hays Section 102(b)(5), as amended). Floor on Amount of Individual Awards: US $10,000 per project. Ceiling on Amount of Individual Awards: $200,000 per project. In FY 2016, awards ranged from US $21,400 to US $140,000.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Once potential implementers and projects have been selected by embassies, preferably through an open competition process, embassies will work with the applicants to obtain the items below. All documents must be submitted in English. Project proposals must include or address the following (NOTE: The list includes items required by 2 CFR 200 and State Department federal assistance regulations):
A. Full and complete Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424), including Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A), Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B), and, if applicable, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL);
B. Project Basics, including title, project dates, and AFCP focus area;
C. Project Applicant information, including contact information, DUNS Number, and SAM registration status (see Section 19 below);
D. Project Location;
E. Proof of Official Permission to undertake the project;
F. Project Purpose that summarizes the project objectives and desired results;
G. Project Activities Description that presents the project tasks in chronological order;
H. Project Time Frame or Schedule that lists the major project phases and milestones with target dates for achieving them (NOTE: Applicants may propose project periods of up to 60 months [five years]; projects must begin before September 30, 2017, and conclude no later than September 30, 2022);
I. Project Participant Information, specifically an estimated number of non-US and US participants and estimated number of primary and secondary participants, as well as resumes of the proposed project director and other primary project participants;
J. Statement of Importance highlighting the historic, architectural, artistic, or cultural (non-religious) values of the cultural site, collection, or form of traditional expression;
K. Statement of Urgency indicating the severity of the situation and explaining why the project must take place now;
L. Statement of Sustainability outlining the steps or measures that will be taken to maintain the site, object, or collection in good condition after the AFCP-supported project is complete; or, in the case of forms of traditional cultural expression, to preserve and disseminate the documentation, knowledge, or skills gained from the project;
M. Detailed Project Budget, demarcated in one-year budget periods (2017, 2018, 2019, etc.), that lists all costs in separate categories (Personnel, Fringe Benefits, Travel [including Per Diem], Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, Cost Sharing); indicates funds from other sources; and gives a justification for any anticipated international travel costs (templates available upon request from the Center);
N. Budget Narrative explaining line by line how costs are estimated (quantity x unit cost, annual salary x percentage of time spent on project, etc.) and unique budget line items;
O. Attachments and Supporting Documents including, at a minimum and REQUIRED, five (5) high quality digital images (only JPEGs, no more than 2 MB each) or audiovisual files that convey the nature and condition of the site, object, or form of expression and, in the case of a site or object, show the urgency or need for the proposed project (collapsing wall, water damage, worn fabric, broken handle, etc.), any historic structure reports, conservation needs assessments, and other planning documents compiled in preparation for the proposed project;
No/no documents with “.rar”, “.zip” or other similar extensions will be accepted.
All narrative reports and documents will be send only in Word (“.doc” or “.docx” format.
COST SHARING AND OTHER FORMS OF COST PARTICIPATION: There is no minimum or maximum percentage of cost participation required for this competition. When cost sharing is offered, it is understood and agreed that the applicant must provide the amount of cost sharing as stipulated in its proposal and later included in an approved agreement. The applicant will be responsible for tracking and reporting on any cost share or outside funding, which is subject to audit per 2 CFR 200. Cost sharing may be in the form of allowable direct or indirect costs.
DUNS NUMBER AND SAM REGISTRATION: Applicants requesting $25,000 or more in federal assistance must have a Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, a NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) code, and be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to submitting applications.
NOTE: This process can take weeks/months, especially for non-U.S. applicants. Applicants may acquire DUNs numbers at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNs number request line at 1-866-705-5711 or by requesting a number online at Non-U.S. based applicants may request a NCAGE code at SAM is the official, free on-line registration database for the U.S. Government. replaced the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA), and the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) in July 2012. collects, validates, stores, and disseminates data in support of federal agency acquisition and grant award mission. Registration in SAM is free:"
2. " The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) 2017
Large Grants
SUMMARY: The U.S. Embassy is accepting project abstracts and full proposals for the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) 2017 Large Grants Program. The deadline for submitting project abstracts is January 15, 2017. If abstracts advance to Round 2, the deadline for submitting full project proposals is February 20, 2017. Full implementation of the AFCP 2017 program is pending the availability of FY 2017 funds and a congressionally approved spend plan. End Summary.
COMPETITION FORMAT: This Opportunity consists of two application rounds: Round 1 (Project Abstract) and Round 2 (Full Proposal). During Round 1, Embassies shall submit project abstracts developed in conjunction with eligible applicants. If, following the technical review, rating, and ranking of abstracts, embassies are invited to advance to Round 2, embassies shall submit full project proposals.
FUNDING AREAS: The AFCP Large Grants Program supports the preservation of major ancient archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, and major museum collections that are accessible to the public and protected by law in the host country.
FUNDING PRIORITIES: The AFCP Large Grants Program gives top priority to project activities that are appropriate and in keeping with international cultural heritage preservation standards. An appropriate preservation activity is one that protects the values of the site as they are understood by stakeholders. Stakeholders may include national, regional, or local cultural authorities; the local community; and others with vested interests in the site and the outcome of a project.
Appropriate project activities may include:
•preventive conservation (addressing conditions that damage or threaten the site)
•stabilization (reducing the physical disturbance [settling, collapse, etc.] of a site)
•conservation (addressing damage or deterioration to a collection or sites)
•consolidation (connecting or reconnecting elements of a site)
•anastylosis (reassembling a site from its original parts)
•restoration (replacing missing elements to recreate the original appearance of a site, usually appropriate only with fine arts, decorative arts, and historic buildings)
SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING SITES AND OBJECTS THAT HAVE A RELIGIOUS CONNECTION: The establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution permits the government to include religious objects and sites within an aid program under certain conditions. For example, an item with a religious connection (including a place of worship) may be the subject of a cultural preservation grant if the item derives its primary significance and is nominated solely on the basis of architectural, artistic, historical, or other cultural (not religious) criteria.
ELIGIBLE PROJECT APPLICANTS: The AFCP Large Grants Program defines eligible project applicants as reputable and accountable non-commercial entities, such as non-governmental organizations, museums, ministries of culture, or similar institutions and organizations, including U.S.-based organizations subject to Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code, that are registered and active in and able to demonstrate that they have the requisite experience and capacity to manage projects to preserve cultural heritage. Embassies must vet applicants for eligibility, suitability, and reputable performance in cultural preservation or similar activities.
INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES AND UNALLOWABLE COSTS: AFCP will NOT support the following activities or costs, and applications involving any of the activities or costs below will be deemed ineligible:
A. Preservation or purchase of privately or commercially owned cultural objects, collections, or real property, including those whose transfer from private or commercial to public ownership is envisioned, planned, or in process but not complete at the time of application;
B. Preservation of natural heritage (physical, biological, and geological formations, paleontological collections, habitats of threatened species of animals and plants, fossils, etc.);
C. Preservation of hominid or human remains;
D. Preservation of news media (newspapers, newsreels, radio and TV programs, etc.);
E. Preservation of published materials available elsewhere (books, periodicals, etc.);
F. Development of curricula or educational materials for classroom use;
G. Archaeological excavations or exploratory surveys for research purposes;
H. Historical research, except in cases where the research is justifiable and integral to the success of the proposed project;
I. Acquisition or creation of new exhibits, objects, or collections for new or existing museums;
J. Construction of new buildings, building additions, or permanent coverings (over archaeological sites, for example);
K. Commissions of new works of art or architecture for commemorative or economic development purposes;
L. Creation of new or the modern adaptation of existing traditional dances, songs, chants, musical compositions, plays, or other performances;
M. Creation of replicas or conjectural reconstructions of cultural objects or sites that no longer exist;
N. Relocation of cultural sites from one physical location to another;
O. Removal of cultural objects or elements of cultural sites from the country for any reason;
P. Digitization of cultural objects or collections, unless part of a larger, clearly defined conservation or documentation effort;
Q. Conservation plans or other studies, unless they are one component of a larger project to implement the results of those studies;
R. Cash reserves, endowments, or revolving funds (funds must be expended within the award period [up to five years] and may not be used to create an endowment or revolving fund);
S. Costs of fund-raising campaigns;
T. Contingency, unforeseen, or miscellaneous costs or fees;
U. Costs of work performed prior to announcement of the award unless allowable per 2 CFR 200.458 and approved by the grants officer;
V. International travel, except in cases where travel is justifiable and integral to the success of the proposed project;
W. Travel or study outside the host country for professional development;
X. Independent U.S. projects overseas.
INELIGIBLE PROJECT APPLICANTS: AFCP does not award grants to individuals, commercial entities, or to embassies or past award recipients which have not fulfilled the objectives or reporting requirements of previous AFCP awards.
AWARD INFORMATION: Funding Instrument Type: Grant (Program Authority: Fulbright Hays Section 102(b)(5), as amended). Floor on Amount of Awards: $200,000 per project. Awards made through this program for new large-scale projects have ranged from $200,000 to $979,000 with an average award amount of $480,000.
APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION: The application process for the AFCP Large Grants Program takes place in two rounds: Project Abstract (Round 1) and Full Proposal (Round 2). If invited to submit Full Proposals to Round 2, the AFCP Program Office will include detailed instructions on how to do so in the Round 2 invitations.
ROUND 1 PROJECT ABSTRACT REQUIREMENTS (DEADLINE: January 8, 2017): The project abstract must include the following items:
A. Full and complete Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424), including Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A), Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B), and, if applicable, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL)
B. Project Basics, including title, project dates, location, and site.
C. Project Applicant information, including contact information, DUNS Number, and SAM registration status.
D. Special Designations (national monument, World Heritage Site, etc.).
E. Law/s Protecting the Site or Collection (citations only).
F. Project Purpose that summarizes the project objectives and desired results.
G. Statement of Importance highlighting the historic, architectural, artistic, or cultural (non-religious) values of the site or collection.
ROUND 2 FULL PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS (DEADLINE: February 20, 2017): Embassies may be invited to submit full project proposals upon favorable review of the abstracts. The proposals must fully satisfy the program objectives, funding areas and priorities, and the eligibility requirements specified above. Furthermore, to be considered complete, they must include:
A. Revised project abstract, if applicable.
B. Revised SF-424, if applicable.
C. Proof of official permission to undertake the project and the full endorsement and support of the national cultural authority in the host country.
D. Project Activities Description that presents the project tasks in chronological order. If the proposed project is part of a larger effort involving multiple projects supported by other entities, the plan must present the full scope of the preservation effort and the place of the proposed project within that larger effort.
E. Project Time Frame or Schedule that lists the major project phases and milestones with target dates for achieving them (NOTE: Applicants may propose project periods of up to 60 months [five years]).
F. Project Participant information, including resumes or CVs of the proposed project director and key project participants.
G. Statement of Urgency indicating the severity of the situation and explaining why the project must take place now.
H. Statement of Sustainability outlining the steps or measures that will be taken to maintain the site or collection in good condition after the AFCP-supported project is complete.
I. Detailed Project Budget, demarcated in one-year budget periods (2017, 2018, 2019, etc.), that lists all costs in separate categories (Personnel, Fringe Benefits, Travel [including Per Diem], Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, Cost Sharing); indicates funds from other sources; and gives a justification for any anticipated international travel costs.
J. Budget Narrative explaining how the costs were estimated (quantity x unit cost, for example) and any unique line items in the budget.
K. Media and Outreach Plan, describing how it intends to highlight and amplify AFCP-supported activities through existing print, electronic, and social media platforms.
L. Monitoring Plan, written by the embassy, describing how it intends to monitor project progress and grantee performance (sample templates available upon request from the Center).
M. Maximum ten (10) high quality digital images (only JPEGs, no more than 2 MB each) that convey the nature and condition of the site or museum collection and show the urgency or need for the proposed project (collapsing walls, extensive water damage, etc.). No/no documents with “.rar”, “.zip” or other similar extensions will be accepted.
N. Relevant supporting documentation, such as historic structure reports, restoration plans and studies, conservation needs assessments and recommendations, architectural and engineering records, etc., compiled in preparation for the proposed project.
All narrative reports and documents will be send only in Word (“.doc” or “.docx” format.
COST SHARING AND OTHER FORMS OF COST PARTICIPATION: There is no minimum or maximum percentage of cost participation required for this competition. When cost sharing is offered, it is understood and agreed that the applicant must provide the amount of cost sharing as stipulated in its proposal and later included in an approved agreement. The applicant will be responsible for tracking and reporting on any cost share or outside funding, which is subject to audit per 2 CFR 200. Cost sharing may be in the form of allowable direct or indirect costs.
DUNS NUMBER AND SAM REGISTRATION: Applicants requesting $25,000 or more in federal assistance must have a Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, a NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) code, and be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to submitting full proposals. NOTE: This process can take weeks/months, especially for non-U.S. applicants. Applicants may acquire DUNs numbers at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNs number request line at 1-866-705-5711 or by requesting a number online at Non-U.S. based applicants may request a NCAGE code at SAM is the official, free on-line registration database for the U.S. Government. replaced the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA), and the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) in July 2012. collects, validates, stores, and disseminates data in support of federal agency acquisition and grant award mission. Registration in SAM is free:
PROJECT SELECTION CRITERIA: The AFCP Office will review and select Round 1 project abstracts in consultation with the regional bureaus and full project proposals (Round 2) according to the program objectives, funding areas and priorities, ineligible activities and unallowable costs, and other proposal requirements. The Office may deem applications ineligible if the project abstracts or the full project proposals do not fully adhere to AFCP 2017 Large Grants Program objectives, requirements, and other neutral criteria stated herein.
PROJECT ABSTRACT REVIEW AND SELECTION (ROUND 1): The AFCP Office will screen and rate all project abstracts received by the January deadline and forward the favorably rated abstracts to the relevant regional bureaus for ranking. On or around February 20, 2017, the Office will invite embassies whose project abstracts received a favorable rating and ranking to submit full project proposals.
FULL PROPOSAL REVIEW AND SELCTION (ROUND 2): The Office will review full project proposals and provide a comprehensive funding recommendation to the Department of State’s Bureau of Budget and Planning (BP). All eligible proposals are subject to compliance with Federal regulations and guidelines."
Large Grants
SUMMARY: The U.S. Embassy is accepting project abstracts and full proposals for the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) 2017 Large Grants Program. The deadline for submitting project abstracts is January 15, 2017. If abstracts advance to Round 2, the deadline for submitting full project proposals is February 20, 2017. Full implementation of the AFCP 2017 program is pending the availability of FY 2017 funds and a congressionally approved spend plan. End Summary.
COMPETITION FORMAT: This Opportunity consists of two application rounds: Round 1 (Project Abstract) and Round 2 (Full Proposal). During Round 1, Embassies shall submit project abstracts developed in conjunction with eligible applicants. If, following the technical review, rating, and ranking of abstracts, embassies are invited to advance to Round 2, embassies shall submit full project proposals.
FUNDING AREAS: The AFCP Large Grants Program supports the preservation of major ancient archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, and major museum collections that are accessible to the public and protected by law in the host country.
FUNDING PRIORITIES: The AFCP Large Grants Program gives top priority to project activities that are appropriate and in keeping with international cultural heritage preservation standards. An appropriate preservation activity is one that protects the values of the site as they are understood by stakeholders. Stakeholders may include national, regional, or local cultural authorities; the local community; and others with vested interests in the site and the outcome of a project.
Appropriate project activities may include:
•preventive conservation (addressing conditions that damage or threaten the site)
•stabilization (reducing the physical disturbance [settling, collapse, etc.] of a site)
•conservation (addressing damage or deterioration to a collection or sites)
•consolidation (connecting or reconnecting elements of a site)
•anastylosis (reassembling a site from its original parts)
•restoration (replacing missing elements to recreate the original appearance of a site, usually appropriate only with fine arts, decorative arts, and historic buildings)
SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING SITES AND OBJECTS THAT HAVE A RELIGIOUS CONNECTION: The establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution permits the government to include religious objects and sites within an aid program under certain conditions. For example, an item with a religious connection (including a place of worship) may be the subject of a cultural preservation grant if the item derives its primary significance and is nominated solely on the basis of architectural, artistic, historical, or other cultural (not religious) criteria.
ELIGIBLE PROJECT APPLICANTS: The AFCP Large Grants Program defines eligible project applicants as reputable and accountable non-commercial entities, such as non-governmental organizations, museums, ministries of culture, or similar institutions and organizations, including U.S.-based organizations subject to Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code, that are registered and active in and able to demonstrate that they have the requisite experience and capacity to manage projects to preserve cultural heritage. Embassies must vet applicants for eligibility, suitability, and reputable performance in cultural preservation or similar activities.
INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES AND UNALLOWABLE COSTS: AFCP will NOT support the following activities or costs, and applications involving any of the activities or costs below will be deemed ineligible:
A. Preservation or purchase of privately or commercially owned cultural objects, collections, or real property, including those whose transfer from private or commercial to public ownership is envisioned, planned, or in process but not complete at the time of application;
B. Preservation of natural heritage (physical, biological, and geological formations, paleontological collections, habitats of threatened species of animals and plants, fossils, etc.);
C. Preservation of hominid or human remains;
D. Preservation of news media (newspapers, newsreels, radio and TV programs, etc.);
E. Preservation of published materials available elsewhere (books, periodicals, etc.);
F. Development of curricula or educational materials for classroom use;
G. Archaeological excavations or exploratory surveys for research purposes;
H. Historical research, except in cases where the research is justifiable and integral to the success of the proposed project;
I. Acquisition or creation of new exhibits, objects, or collections for new or existing museums;
J. Construction of new buildings, building additions, or permanent coverings (over archaeological sites, for example);
K. Commissions of new works of art or architecture for commemorative or economic development purposes;
L. Creation of new or the modern adaptation of existing traditional dances, songs, chants, musical compositions, plays, or other performances;
M. Creation of replicas or conjectural reconstructions of cultural objects or sites that no longer exist;
N. Relocation of cultural sites from one physical location to another;
O. Removal of cultural objects or elements of cultural sites from the country for any reason;
P. Digitization of cultural objects or collections, unless part of a larger, clearly defined conservation or documentation effort;
Q. Conservation plans or other studies, unless they are one component of a larger project to implement the results of those studies;
R. Cash reserves, endowments, or revolving funds (funds must be expended within the award period [up to five years] and may not be used to create an endowment or revolving fund);
S. Costs of fund-raising campaigns;
T. Contingency, unforeseen, or miscellaneous costs or fees;
U. Costs of work performed prior to announcement of the award unless allowable per 2 CFR 200.458 and approved by the grants officer;
V. International travel, except in cases where travel is justifiable and integral to the success of the proposed project;
W. Travel or study outside the host country for professional development;
X. Independent U.S. projects overseas.
INELIGIBLE PROJECT APPLICANTS: AFCP does not award grants to individuals, commercial entities, or to embassies or past award recipients which have not fulfilled the objectives or reporting requirements of previous AFCP awards.
AWARD INFORMATION: Funding Instrument Type: Grant (Program Authority: Fulbright Hays Section 102(b)(5), as amended). Floor on Amount of Awards: $200,000 per project. Awards made through this program for new large-scale projects have ranged from $200,000 to $979,000 with an average award amount of $480,000.
APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION: The application process for the AFCP Large Grants Program takes place in two rounds: Project Abstract (Round 1) and Full Proposal (Round 2). If invited to submit Full Proposals to Round 2, the AFCP Program Office will include detailed instructions on how to do so in the Round 2 invitations.
ROUND 1 PROJECT ABSTRACT REQUIREMENTS (DEADLINE: January 8, 2017): The project abstract must include the following items:
A. Full and complete Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424), including Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A), Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B), and, if applicable, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL)
B. Project Basics, including title, project dates, location, and site.
C. Project Applicant information, including contact information, DUNS Number, and SAM registration status.
D. Special Designations (national monument, World Heritage Site, etc.).
E. Law/s Protecting the Site or Collection (citations only).
F. Project Purpose that summarizes the project objectives and desired results.
G. Statement of Importance highlighting the historic, architectural, artistic, or cultural (non-religious) values of the site or collection.
ROUND 2 FULL PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS (DEADLINE: February 20, 2017): Embassies may be invited to submit full project proposals upon favorable review of the abstracts. The proposals must fully satisfy the program objectives, funding areas and priorities, and the eligibility requirements specified above. Furthermore, to be considered complete, they must include:
A. Revised project abstract, if applicable.
B. Revised SF-424, if applicable.
C. Proof of official permission to undertake the project and the full endorsement and support of the national cultural authority in the host country.
D. Project Activities Description that presents the project tasks in chronological order. If the proposed project is part of a larger effort involving multiple projects supported by other entities, the plan must present the full scope of the preservation effort and the place of the proposed project within that larger effort.
E. Project Time Frame or Schedule that lists the major project phases and milestones with target dates for achieving them (NOTE: Applicants may propose project periods of up to 60 months [five years]).
F. Project Participant information, including resumes or CVs of the proposed project director and key project participants.
G. Statement of Urgency indicating the severity of the situation and explaining why the project must take place now.
H. Statement of Sustainability outlining the steps or measures that will be taken to maintain the site or collection in good condition after the AFCP-supported project is complete.
I. Detailed Project Budget, demarcated in one-year budget periods (2017, 2018, 2019, etc.), that lists all costs in separate categories (Personnel, Fringe Benefits, Travel [including Per Diem], Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, Cost Sharing); indicates funds from other sources; and gives a justification for any anticipated international travel costs.
J. Budget Narrative explaining how the costs were estimated (quantity x unit cost, for example) and any unique line items in the budget.
K. Media and Outreach Plan, describing how it intends to highlight and amplify AFCP-supported activities through existing print, electronic, and social media platforms.
L. Monitoring Plan, written by the embassy, describing how it intends to monitor project progress and grantee performance (sample templates available upon request from the Center).
M. Maximum ten (10) high quality digital images (only JPEGs, no more than 2 MB each) that convey the nature and condition of the site or museum collection and show the urgency or need for the proposed project (collapsing walls, extensive water damage, etc.). No/no documents with “.rar”, “.zip” or other similar extensions will be accepted.
N. Relevant supporting documentation, such as historic structure reports, restoration plans and studies, conservation needs assessments and recommendations, architectural and engineering records, etc., compiled in preparation for the proposed project.
All narrative reports and documents will be send only in Word (“.doc” or “.docx” format.
COST SHARING AND OTHER FORMS OF COST PARTICIPATION: There is no minimum or maximum percentage of cost participation required for this competition. When cost sharing is offered, it is understood and agreed that the applicant must provide the amount of cost sharing as stipulated in its proposal and later included in an approved agreement. The applicant will be responsible for tracking and reporting on any cost share or outside funding, which is subject to audit per 2 CFR 200. Cost sharing may be in the form of allowable direct or indirect costs.
DUNS NUMBER AND SAM REGISTRATION: Applicants requesting $25,000 or more in federal assistance must have a Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, a NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) code, and be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to submitting full proposals. NOTE: This process can take weeks/months, especially for non-U.S. applicants. Applicants may acquire DUNs numbers at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNs number request line at 1-866-705-5711 or by requesting a number online at Non-U.S. based applicants may request a NCAGE code at SAM is the official, free on-line registration database for the U.S. Government. replaced the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA), and the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) in July 2012. collects, validates, stores, and disseminates data in support of federal agency acquisition and grant award mission. Registration in SAM is free:
PROJECT SELECTION CRITERIA: The AFCP Office will review and select Round 1 project abstracts in consultation with the regional bureaus and full project proposals (Round 2) according to the program objectives, funding areas and priorities, ineligible activities and unallowable costs, and other proposal requirements. The Office may deem applications ineligible if the project abstracts or the full project proposals do not fully adhere to AFCP 2017 Large Grants Program objectives, requirements, and other neutral criteria stated herein.
PROJECT ABSTRACT REVIEW AND SELECTION (ROUND 1): The AFCP Office will screen and rate all project abstracts received by the January deadline and forward the favorably rated abstracts to the relevant regional bureaus for ranking. On or around February 20, 2017, the Office will invite embassies whose project abstracts received a favorable rating and ranking to submit full project proposals.
FULL PROPOSAL REVIEW AND SELCTION (ROUND 2): The Office will review full project proposals and provide a comprehensive funding recommendation to the Department of State’s Bureau of Budget and Planning (BP). All eligible proposals are subject to compliance with Federal regulations and guidelines."
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